The Conference registration is now open
We are pleased to announce that The Singapore WSH Conference, 17-18 November 2020, is now open for registration! Get your tickets today.
At The Singapore Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Conference, we will discuss the broad topics of Health, Ownership and Technology in WSH in these COVID-19 times. As the premier platform for workplace and health stakeholders across the region, this Conference will bring together regulators, industry leaders and safety professionals to share with you how you can navigate through the different facets of WSH to create a safer and healthier workplace.
As our world becomes increasingly digital, we see how the emergence of new technologies influence the nature of our jobs in a way unseen in the past decade. Participants who attend The Singapore WSH Conference 2020 will see how technology can play a critical role in reducing accident risks caused by human errors, replacing dangerous work activities, preventing potential lapses, and providing real-time insight into worker’s behaviours.
Takeaways from our Plenary 2:
View the full line-up of over 30 speakers on the Conference website here.