Autochair: Automating healthcare in an ageing, manpower lean society in times of Covid-19 & beyond
Sponsored Article by Medical Guardian Pte Ltd
Automation. Automation. For some years now, automation is the rallying call of the Singapore government from heavy industries to the F&B sector to innovate & move away from the dependency of a cheap source of labor. Automate for efficiency & ultimately, increasing productivity or at the very least, maintaining status quo running against a backdrop of a fast-dwindling pool of human resources. An ageing population with the demands of maintaining high yields in all sectors of the industry requires some creative thinking.
While many sectors have moved toward robotics, electronics, Ai technology, replacing the requirement of human resources with machines, the healthcare sector has been slightly more adverse towards this new shift in dynamics.
Healthcare is synonymous with compassion, individual attention, warmth from human interaction & touch, in particular, is sacrosanct. Where eye contact tells of many emotional, physical & psychological doldrums, or esthetical elations where words can never express so much as the expressions on a human face.
Yet, healthcare is an ever-growing industry in superfast aging, highly competitive society which is manpower lean, where economic power once lies squarely on the shoulders of its human resources. Now, it’s payback time.
Automation in the sense of the word conjures images of cold, hard faceless machines, churning away without a single strand of humanity. Rightly so. While robots have started to be programmed with “feelings” & to mimic human-like expressions, there is still that acknowledgment that there is nothing like a gentle, human voice or touch, to heal the pain or touch deep into a broken soul.
So, what makes the Autochair range of products so special?
The story of Autochair began 30 odd years ago with its’ founder, who has sadly, just passed away. An engineer by training, through a personal tragedy, went on to innovate from his heart. He fully understood the objectives to fulfill & in his invention understood the relevance and boundaries of automation in healthcare.
Today, every aspiring inventor looks towards robotic, electronic, A1 for the next big thing that society might need. To reconcile the human need for compassion, humanity, touch etc. & the use of hard cold machines, are often found wanting. But here, with the Autochair range of products, these humanistic elements are met. But how?
Autochair range of products provides the balance of retaining some human involvement in the aspect of care. In balancing the need of the patient & that of the carer giver, the range of products is about mitigating stress & allaying elements of frustration for both patient & the caregiver. It is also about safety by minimizing cross-infection, better risk management, patient management, human dignity, which are other factors brought into this product range.
Hope is the eternal fire that burns bright within a human soul. The Autochair range of products provides that element of hope to the patient, carer & families once more.
Automating healthcare with Autochair is acknowledging how beautifully balance is the need for compassion, humanity & the mitigation of stress, risk factors are all material to maintaining hope for what is often, a long, tiresome & painful road, ahead. It need not be! There is light in that lonely tunnel.
“Autochair, automating healthcare at the touch of a button”
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